I have too much in my head. A small taste platter of what lurks within:
The world is so lovely, so lovely. And I spend a lot of time on facebook.
I jest about my mediocrity, but am concerned that it means I will fail at the things I find most important.
I read some of the work of this girl in my short fiction class and nearly disliked her based on envy alone and the envy threatened to close my throat.
The smell of rain today was wonderful and heavy.
My tooth may be in serious peril.
Opinions are important. Maybe. I don’t even know. But I don’t have mine all laid out like some people do and I wonder if that’s a big deal.
I love Melbourne.
Sometimes the wish that I could lose some weight nearly overtakes the wish that everyone would realise how cool they are and stop hating things.
My friend made some caramel slice and it’s basically just condensed milk with chocolate on top and it’s awesome.
I want to go away somewhere and think and breathe for like a week. Without facebook there to observe stoically.
Do you ever wish you could just tell people when you want to be mates with them, and ditch all the “oh, hey maaann..” bull? Me too.
I want to research anarchy and the bible and to start sticking shit up in public places.
I don’t feel well.
thanks for you time, interweb! You’re a doll.
I want to be your friend. Sometimes I think facebook is swollowing my life. I ate carrot cake twice today. And I totes understand what you are saying about opinions over there.